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In order to win the prize for most cookies sold, my friend Alice and I are going to merge our Girl Scout Cookies orders and enter as one unit.

Each order is represented by an "order id" (an integer).

We have our lists of orders sorted numerically already, in lists. Write a function to merge our lists of orders into one sorted list.

For example:

  my_list     = [3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 15]
alices_list = [1, 5, 8, 12, 14, 19]

# Prints [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19]
print(merge_lists(my_list, alices_list))


We can do this in O(n)O(n) time and space.

If you're running a built-in sorting function, your algorithm probably takes O(nlgn)O(n\lg{n}) time for that sort.

Think about edge cases! What happens when we've merged in all of the elements from one of our lists but we still have elements to merge in from our other list?


We could simply concatenate (join together) the two lists into one, then sort the result:

  def merge_sorted_lists(arr1, arr2):
    return sorted(arr1 + arr2)

What would the time cost be?

O(nlgn)O(n\lg{n}), where nn is the total length of our output list (the sum of the lengths of our inputs).

We can do better. With this algorithm, we're not really taking advantage of the fact that the input lists are themselves already sorted. How can we save time by using this fact?

A good general strategy for thinking about an algorithm is to try writing out a sample input and performing the operation by hand. If you're stuck, try that!

Since our lists are sorted, we know they each have their smallest item in the 0th index. So the smallest item overall is in the 0th index of one of our input lists!

Which 0th element is it? Whichever is smaller!

To start, let's just write a function that chooses the 0th element for our sorted list.

  def merge_lists(my_list, alices_list):
    # Make a list big enough to fit the elements from both lists
    merged_list_size = len(my_list) + len(alices_list)
    merged_list = [None] * merged_list_size

    head_of_my_list = my_list[0]
    head_of_alices_list = alices_list[0]

    if head_of_my_list < head_of_alices_list:
        # Case: 0th comes from my list
        merged_list[0] = head_of_my_list
        # Case: 0th comes from Alice's list
        merged_list[0] = head_of_alices_list

    # Eventually we'll want to return the merged list
    return merged_list

Okay, good start! That works for finding the 0th element. Now how do we choose the next element?

Let's look at a sample input:

  [3,  4,  6, 10, 11, 15]  # my_list
[1,  5,  8, 12, 14, 19]  # alices_list

To start we took the 0th element from alices_list and put it in the 0th slot in the output list:

  [3,  4,  6, 10, 11, 15]  # my_list
[1,  5,  8, 12, 14, 19]  # alices_list
[1,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x]  # merged_list

We need to make sure we don't try to put that 1 in merged_list again. We should mark it as "already merged" somehow. For now, we can just cross it out:

  [3,  4,  6, 10, 11, 15]  # my_list
[x,  5,  8, 12, 14, 19]  # alices_list
[1,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x]  # merged_list

Or we could even imagine it's removed from the list:

  [3,  4,  6, 10, 11, 15]  # my_list
[5,  8, 12, 14, 19]      # alices_list
[1,  x,  x,  x,  x,  x]  # merged_list

Now to get our next element we can use the same approach we used to get the 0th element—it's the smallest of the earliest unmerged elements in either list! In other words, it's the smaller of the leftmost elements in either list, assuming we've removed the elements we've already merged in.

So in general we could say something like:

  1. We'll start at the beginnings of our input lists, since the smallest elements will be there.
  2. As we put items in our final merged_list, we'll keep track of the fact that they're "already merged."
  3. At each step, each list has a first "not-yet-merged" item.
  4. At each step, the next item to put in the merged_list is the smaller of those two "not-yet-merged" items!

Can you implement this in code?

  def merge_lists(my_list, alices_list):
    merged_list_size = len(my_list) + len(alices_list)
    merged_list = [None] * merged_list_size

    current_index_alices = 0
    current_index_mine = 0
    current_index_merged = 0
    while current_index_merged < merged_list_size:
        first_unmerged_alices = alices_list[current_index_alices]
        first_unmerged_mine = my_list[current_index_mine]

        if first_unmerged_mine < first_unmerged_alices:
            # Case: next comes from my list
            merged_list[current_index_merged] = first_unmerged_mine
            current_index_mine += 1
            # Case: next comes from Alice's list
            merged_list[current_index_merged] = first_unmerged_alices
            current_index_alices += 1

        current_index_merged += 1

    return merged_list

Okay, this algorithm makes sense. To wrap up, we should think about edge cases and check for bugs. What edge cases should we worry about?

Here are some edge cases:

  1. One or both of our input lists is 0 elements or 1 element
  2. One of our input lists is longer than the other.
  3. One of our lists runs out of elements before we're done merging.

Actually, (3) will always happen. In the process of merging our lists, we'll certainly exhaust one before we exhaust the other.

Does our function handle these cases correctly?

If both lists are empty, we're fine. But for all other edge cases, we'll get an IndexError.

How can we fix this?

We can probably solve these cases at the same time. They're not so different—they just have to do with indexing past the end of lists.

To start, we could treat each of our lists being out of elements as a separate case to handle, in addition to the 2 cases we already have. So we have 4 cases total. Can you code that up?

Be sure you check the cases in the right order!

  def merge_lists(my_list, alices_list):
    merged_list_size = len(my_list) + len(alices_list)
    merged_list = [None] * merged_list_size

    current_index_alices = 0
    current_index_mine = 0
    current_index_merged = 0
    while current_index_merged < merged_list_size:
        if current_index_mine >= len(my_list):
            # Case: my list is exhausted
            merged_list[current_index_merged] = alices_list[current_index_alices]
            current_index_alices += 1
        elif current_index_alices >= len(alices_list):
            # Case: Alice's list is exhausted
            merged_list[current_index_merged] = my_list[current_index_mine]
            current_index_mine += 1
        elif my_list[current_index_mine] < alices_list[current_index_alices]:
            # Case: my item is next
            merged_list[current_index_merged] = my_list[current_index_mine]
            current_index_mine += 1
            # Case: Alice's item is next
            merged_list[current_index_merged] = alices_list[current_index_alices]
            current_index_alices += 1

        current_index_merged += 1

    return merged_list

Cool. This'll work, but it's a bit repetitive. We have these two lines twice:

  merged_list[current_index_merged] = my_list[current_index_mine]
current_index_mine += 1

Same for these two lines:

  merged_list[current_index_merged] = alices_list[current_index_alices]
current_index_alices += 1

That's not DRY.

Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) is a philosophy that you should avoid repetition in your code.

Making code more DRY could involve taking repeated lines of code and factoring them out into a utility function.

Code that isn't DRY is sometimes called WET, which could stand for "Write Everything Twice" or "We Enjoy Typing."

Or "Wild Elderberry Tart."

Maybe we can avoid repeating ourselves by bringing our code back down to just 2 cases.

See if you can do this in just one "if else" by combining the conditionals.

You might try to simply squish the middle cases together:

  if (is_alices_list_exhausted or
        my_list[current_index_mine] < alices_list[current_index_alices]):
    merged_list[current_index_merged] = my_list[current_index_mine]
    current_index_mine += 1

But what happens when my_list is exhausted?

We'll get an IndexError when we try to access my_list[current_index_mine]!

How can we fix this?


First, we allocate our answer list, getting its size by adding the size of my_list and alices_list.

We keep track of a current index in my_list, a current index in alices_list, and a current index in merged_list. So at each step, there's a "current item" in alices_list and in my_list. The smaller of those is the next one we add to the merged_list!

But careful: we also need to account for the case where we exhaust one of our lists and there are still elements in the other. To handle this, we say that the current item in my_list is the next item to add to merged_list only if my_list is not exhausted AND, either:

  1. alices_list is exhausted, or
  2. the current item in my_list is less than the current item in alices_list
  def merge_lists(my_list, alices_list):
    # Set up our merged_list
    merged_list_size = len(my_list) + len(alices_list)
    merged_list = [None] * merged_list_size

    current_index_alices = 0
    current_index_mine = 0
    current_index_merged = 0
    while current_index_merged < merged_list_size:
        is_my_list_exhausted = current_index_mine >= len(my_list)
        is_alices_list_exhausted = current_index_alices >= len(alices_list)
        if (not is_my_list_exhausted and
                (is_alices_list_exhausted or
                 my_list[current_index_mine] < alices_list[current_index_alices])):
            # Case: next comes from my list
            # My list must not be exhausted, and EITHER:
            # 1) Alice's list IS exhausted, or
            # 2) the current element in my list is less
            #    than the current element in Alice's list
            merged_list[current_index_merged] = my_list[current_index_mine]
            current_index_mine += 1
            # Case: next comes from Alice's list
            merged_list[current_index_merged] = alices_list[current_index_alices]
            current_index_alices += 1

        current_index_merged += 1

    return merged_list

The if statement is carefully constructed to avoid an IndexError from indexing past the end of a list. We take advantage of Python 3.6's short circuit evaluation

Short-circuit evaluation is a strategy most programming languages (including Python 3.6) use to avoid unnecessary work. For example, say we had a conditional like this:

  if it_is_friday and it_is_raining:
    print("board games at my place!")

Let's say it_is_friday is false. Because Python 3.6 short-circuits evaluation, it wouldn't bother checking the value of it_is_raining—it knows that either way the condition is false and we won't print the invitation to board game night.

We can use this to our advantage. For example, say we have a check like this:

  if friends['Becky'].is_free_this_friday():

What happens if 'Becky' isn't in our friends dictionary? We'll get a KeyError when we run friends['Becky'].

Instead, we could first confirm that Becky and I are still on good terms:

  if 'Becky' in friends and friends['Becky'].is_free_this_friday():

This way, if 'Becky' isn't in friends, Python will ignore the rest of the conditional and avoid throwing the KeyError.

This is all hypothetical, of course. It's not like things with Becky are weird or anything. We're totally cool. She's still in my friends dictionary for sure and I hope I'm still in hers and Becky if you're reading this I just want you to know you're still in my friends dictionary.

and check first if the lists are exhausted.


O(n)O(n) time and O(n)O(n) additional space, where nn is the number of items in the merged list.

The added space comes from allocating the merged_list. There's no way to do this " in place"

An in-place function modifies data structures or objects outside of its own stack frame


The call stack is what a program uses to keep track of function calls. The call stack is made up of stack frames—one for each function call.

For instance, say we called a function that rolled two dice and printed the sum.

  def roll_die():
    return random.randint(1, 6)

def roll_two_and_sum():
    total = 0
    total += roll_die()
    total += roll_die()


First, our program calls roll_two_and_sum(). It goes on the call stack:


That function calls roll_die(), which gets pushed on to the top of the call stack:


Inside of roll_die(), we call random.randint(). Here's what our call stack looks like then:


When random.randint() finishes, we return back to roll_die() by removing ("popping") random.randint()'s stack frame.


Same thing when roll_die() returns:


We're not done yet! roll_two_and_sum() calls roll_die() again:


Which calls random.randint() again:


random.randint() returns, then roll_die() returns, putting us back in roll_two_and_sum():


Which calls print()():


What's stored in a stack frame?

What actually goes in a function's stack frame?

A stack frame usually stores:

  • Local variables
  • Arguments passed into the function
  • Information about the caller's stack frame
  • The return address—what the program should do after the function returns (i.e.: where it should "return to"). This is usually somewhere in the middle of the caller's code.

Some of the specifics vary between processor architectures. For instance, AMD64 (64-bit x86) processors pass some arguments in registers and some on the call stack. And, ARM processors (common in phones) store the return address in a special register instead of putting it on the call stack.

The Space Cost of Stack Frames

Each function call creates its own stack frame, taking up space on the call stack. That's important because it can impact the space complexity of an algorithm. Especially when we use recursion.

For example, if we wanted to multiply all the numbers between 11 and nn, we could use this recursive approach:

  def product_1_to_n(n):
    return 1 if n <= 1 else n * product_1_to_n(n - 1)

What would the call stack look like when n = 10?

First, product_1_to_n() gets called with n = 10:

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

This calls product_1_to_n() with n = 9.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 9
    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

Which calls product_1_to_n() with n = 8.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 8
    product_1_to_n()    n = 9
    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

And so on until we get to n = 1.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 1
    product_1_to_n()    n = 2
    product_1_to_n()    n = 3
    product_1_to_n()    n = 4
    product_1_to_n()    n = 5
    product_1_to_n()    n = 6
    product_1_to_n()    n = 7
    product_1_to_n()    n = 8
    product_1_to_n()    n = 9
    product_1_to_n()    n = 10

Look at the size of all those stack frames! The entire call stack takes up O(n)O(n) space. That's right—we have an O(n)O(n) space cost even though our function itself doesn't create any data structures!

What if we'd used an iterative approach instead of a recursive one?

  def product_1_to_n(n):
    # We assume n >= 1
    result = 1
    for num in range(1, n + 1):
        result *= num

    return result

This version takes a constant amount of space. At the beginning of the loop, the call stack looks like this:

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 1, num = 1

As we iterate through the loop, the local variables change, but we stay in the same stack frame because we don't call any other functions.

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 2, num = 2

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 6, num = 3

    product_1_to_n()    n = 10, result = 24, num = 4

In general, even though the compiler or interpreter will take care of managing the call stack for you, it's important to consider the depth of the call stack when analyzing the space complexity of an algorithm.

Be especially careful with recursive functions! They can end up building huge call stacks.

What happens if we run out of space? It's a stack overflow! In Python 3.6, you'll get a RecursionError.

If the very last thing a function does is call another function, then its stack frame might not be needed any more. The function could free up its stack frame before doing its final call, saving space.

This is called tail call optimization (TCO). If a recursive function is optimized with TCO, then it may not end up with a big call stack.

In general, most languages don't provide TCO. Scheme is one of the few languages that guarantee tail call optimization. Some Ruby, C, and Javascript implementations may do it. Python and Java decidedly don't.

(i.e.: stored on the process heap or in the stack frame of a calling function). Because of this, the changes made by the function remain after the call completes.

In-place algorithms are sometimes called destructive, since the original input is "destroyed" (or modified) during the function call.

Careful: "In-place" does not mean "without creating any additional variables!" Rather, it means "without creating a new copy of the input." In general, an in-place function will only create additional variables that are O(1)O(1) space.

An out-of-place function doesn't make any changes that are visible to other functions. Usually, those functions copy any data structures or objects before manipulating and changing them.

In many languages, primitive values (integers, floating point numbers, or characters) are copied when passed as arguments, and more complex data structures (lists, heaps, or hash tables) are passed by reference. This is what Python does.

Here are two functions that do the same operation on a list, except one is in-place and the other is out-of-place:

  def square_list_in_place(int_list):
    for index, element in enumerate(int_list):
        int_list[index] *= element

    # NOTE: no need to return anything - we modified
    # int_list in place

def square_list_out_of_place(int_list):
    # We allocate a new list with the length of the input list
    squared_list = [None] * len(int_list)

    for index, element in enumerate(int_list):
        squared_list[index] = element ** 2

    return squared_list

Working in-place is a good way to save time and space. An in-place algorithm avoids the cost of initializing or copying data structures, and it usually has an O(1)O(1) space cost.

But be careful: an in-place algorithm can cause side effects. Your input is "destroyed" or "altered," which can affect code outside of your function. For example:

  original_list = [2, 3, 4, 5]

print("original list: %s" % original_list)
# Prints: original list: [4, 9, 16, 25], confusingly!

Generally, out-of-place algorithms are considered safer because they avoid side effects. You should only use an in-place algorithm if you're space constrained or you're positive you don't need the original input anymore, even for debugging.

because neither of our input lists are necessarily big enough to hold the merged list.

But if our inputs were linked lists, we could avoid allocating a new structure and do the merge by simply adjusting the next pointers in the list nodes!

In our implementation above, we could avoid tracking current_index_merged and just compute it on the fly by adding current_index_mine and current_index_alices. This would only save us one integer of space though, which is hardly anything. It's probably not worth the added code complexity.

Trivia! Python's native sorting algorithm is called Timsort. It's actually optimized for sorting lists where subsections of the lists are already sorted. For this reason, a more naive algorithm:

  def merge_sorted_lists(arr1, arr2):
    return sorted(arr1 + arr2)
Python 2.7

is actually faster until nn gets pretty big. Like 1,000,000.

Also, in Python 2.6+, there's a built-in function for merging sorted lists into one sorted list: heapq.merge().


What if we wanted to merge several sorted lists? Write a function that takes as an input a list of sorted lists and outputs a single sorted list with all the items from each list.

Do we absolutely have to allocate a new list to use for the merged output? Where else could we store our merged list? How would our function need to change?

What We Learned

We spent a lot of time figuring out how to cleanly handle edge cases.

Sometimes it's easy to lose steam at the end of a coding interview when you're debugging. But keep sprinting through to the finish! Think about edge cases. Look for off-by-one errors.

Do you have an answer?

Wanna review this one again later? Or do you feel like you got it all?

Mark as done Pin for review later
import unittest
def merge_lists(my_list, alices_list):
# Combine the sorted lists into one large sorted list
return []
# Tests
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_both_lists_are_empty(self):
actual = merge_lists([], [])
expected = []
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_first_list_is_empty(self):
actual = merge_lists([], [1, 2, 3])
expected = [1, 2, 3]
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_second_list_is_empty(self):
actual = merge_lists([5, 6, 7], [])
expected = [5, 6, 7]
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_both_lists_have_some_numbers(self):
actual = merge_lists([2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 7])
expected = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def test_lists_are_different_lengths(self):
actual = merge_lists([2, 4, 6, 8], [1, 7])

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